Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes October 8, 2008 A meeting of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on October 8, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Board Members: Tim DePuy David Zedeck Tomas Stone Diane Pietig Guests: Medora Fralick Stephanie McDonald The meeting of the Board of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Under the Road Report, there was discussion as to what part of the road work would be completed this fall. The Board agreed the cash resources should not be depleted at this time and some of the road repair would need to be suspended until next spring. Some crack filling and ditch cleaning has been completed. A motion was made by Diane Pietig to allow Board member Tomas Stone to approach local lenders and provide financial information to apply for financing for future road repair and report his findings at the Annual meeting in the spring. The motion was seconded by Tim DePuy. The motion was approved unanimously. The Board discussed the proposed site work to be done by Native Excavating, included with these minutes for the record. Tim made a motion to approve spending up to $25,000 on the ditch cleaning, rock buttress and shoulder gravel work as estimated in items 5, 6 and 7 of Native Excavating’s September 5 proposal and put off items 1 thru 4 for future consideration. It was seconded by David Zedeck. The motion was approved unanimously. Under Financials, Medora stated that the Budget is to the good. Medora reviewed the association’s financials, noting that while total income was approximately $1,000 under budget (due to lower than budgeted water income), lower than budgeted expenses (primarily road and water system repairs) had net income approximately $28,000 ahead of budget at September 30th. The Board also unanimously agreed to apply escrowed Road Damage Fees to payment of road repairs. Diane gave the ARC report. The ARC met on October 7th. Lot 45 has submitted a request for a garage addition. A new survey was done and shows that their garage would be outside of the approved building envelope. The owners are requesting a building envelope variance. The Board agreed that the owners will have to place the garage within the previously approved building envelope or follow association procedures if they desire to have the building envelope enlarged. The final version of the revised DRHOA covenants with proposed changes redlined will be sent out to the Association members prior to the Annual meeting with a ballot. Under the Water Report, Medora noted that seven of the water meter re-certifications have not been completed. Due to irrigation being suspended for the year, these incomplete re-certifications will be finished next summer. A request was received to consider play structures to be shielded from view by landscaping. The Board agreed not to pursue this kind of requirement in the covenants, but that a new covenant limiting the size of play structures should be considered. The next meeting is meeting on November 13, 2008 at 12:30 p.m. at board room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Stephanie McDonald Secretary for the meeting |
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