Dakota Ridge Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 09, 2020, 8am (Zoom)

Present: Sarah Jones, Holly Van Deursen, Carrie Rawlins, Jim Lob, Ron Lemieux
Others Present: Scott Prochazka (owner), Andrea Wilhelm and Medora Fralick (Commercial Property Group)

Capital Update

A leak was recently identified in one of the PRV valves in a PRV vault. Native has the parts on order but the leak has not been fixed – hopefully by the end of this week. Jim asked Matt Mielke from CDC if there was a way to measure the loss this leak is causing and Matt said it could be up to as much as 7200 gallons/day. Fortunately, the implied loss number for June dropped to 23%, down from 28% in May. At the last meeting the Board decided to continue monitoring these numbers for a few more months before investing additional capital money on solutions/troubleshooting; the Board agreed this was still the right course of action. In the meantime, the HOA will continue the monthly vs. quarterly monitoring as well as the planned capital upgrades to ductile iron piping on Agate Creek Rd. and the ARV additions. CDC is in the process of designing the engineering spec sheets for this which will go out to bid in 2-3 weeks. Scheduling will be dependent on the chosen contractor/bid but likely sometime this fall.

Financial Update

Holly reported that for the first quarter of the fiscal year, the P&L is in line with budget. In terms of revenue, the dues are on budget but water user fees are a little low which means usage is down. On expenses, admin/mgmt is running slightly above budget due to all the recent projects including cluster mailboxes, wildfire mitigation, and water loss. R&M is under budget due to mosquito control which will be expensed next quarter and water system expenses are also $4900 under budget due to a missing quarterly invoice from Tim Gibbons projected at around $4500. NOI shows a $6K favorable outcome due to the aforementioned two reasons. In terms of capital expense, the mailbox purchase totaled about $4k with another $6K in installation costs to be expected. The common area fire mitigation invoice has not been received yet but will be about $4K over budget due to the extra mitigation work on Parcel 001 that was previously presumed to be part of the Nauleau property. At year end, the HOA is looking to be about $14K over budget on spending however capital reserves should still be well above the targeted $300K minimum.

Wildfire Update

Sarah provided a brief summary on the oversight of the common area mitigation; the Naleau’s have an easement across the common area parcel for their driveway which was originally presumed to be on their own property. Western Tree’s scope of work was increased down the hill to where the water line was previously installed and Sarah feels this is an important area to address.

Holly inquired about whether CPG had been in touch with the Fire Inspector about the emergency turn around at the top of Trail Ridge Rd. Medora said the roads were presumably permitted and built to code and cautioned the outcome of investigating this. Holly asked that it be followed up on and volunteered her time. Medora set up a meeting for Wednesday at 11am with the Fire Inspector, Doug Shaffer.


Medora reached out again to Ben Schreiner to try to get an update on when he will be scheduling this year’s crack sealing and patches but has not heard back. Last year the work was done in early September so this year’s timeframe may be similar.

ARC Update

There was only one submittal/approval in the past quarter from the Burg residence (35925 Agate Creek Rd.) for enclosing a terrace.

With the addition of two new board members, there was discussion about nominating new committee heads for Roads and ARC. Carrie volunteered for Roads and Ron said he would handle ARC. It was discussed that Sarah would stay on the ARC.

Other Business/Ongoing Projects:

Medora mentioned that after the recent communications about wildfire mitigation, CPG received some questions about what the Board was doing to enforce mitigation on individual personal property; the answer is pretty much education. Sarah said she’d be willing to reach out individually to the six higher risk lot owners; Carrie reported she’d already been in touch with Dan from Western Tree about her lot.

It was suggested that the following reminders be included with the next neighborhood email and/or these meeting minutes:
• Routt County fire restriction effective 7/5
• Another reminder about Routt County Emergency Alerts.
• Owners should also double check/update phone numbers in AppFolio for emergency text msgs from CPG
• Fireworks are not permitted in DR HOA
• Beware of bears
• Water restrictions currently suggested by City & Mt. Werner Water

Sarah mentioned this winter might be a good time to develop a response/evacuation plan for a potential fire in Dakota Ridge. Sarah will talk to Bo DeMorat with Routt County Emergency on a place to start. Holly also suggested that it might be time to establish a committee for fire mitigation and/or that it be added it to ARC. Sarah and Ron agreed with the idea of adding it to ARC.

Andrea provided a brief update on the management contract and cluster mailboxes. The contract redlines were received on Monday; Andrea will revise, send to Sarah for signature, and provide a fully executed copy to the Board. The cluster mailboxes were ordered on June 24th; they are expected to ship on Monday July 13th and arrive within 1-2 more weeks. Installation will be scheduled upon arrival and after feedback on the staked location, Andrea will check with Native to see if the placement can be moved a little lower on the hillside. Insurance coverage will be added once the boxes are installed and/or the policy renews in August.

The next Board was scheduled for October 13th at 8am.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10am.

Recorded by,
Andrea Wilhelm
Commercial Property Group