Dakota Ridge Board of Directors Meeting July 18, 2019, 8:05am @ Commercial Property Group Present: Sarah Jones, Nancy Pyle, Jim Lob (phone), Holly Van Deursen (phone) Others Present: Medora Fralick & Angie Hansen (Commercial Property Group-CPG), Jean-Luc Nauleau (guest) and David Dennis (guest) Water Update – Jim Lob Medora updated the Board on the DR conditional rights that need to be re-filed per the 6-year cycle. The association’s water attorneys communicated to Medora that this particular decree is for conditional water rights related to “stock†(as in livestock) watering on Lot 74 (35 acre parcel). Since the covenants restrict livestock maintained within any lot, the attorneys suggested releasing these conditional rights, to save the association time and money incurred in the re-filing every 6 years. Jim made a motion to have the attorneys draw up a resolution to release those particular water rights. The motion was seconded by Holly. Jim provided an update on the Chlorine Contact Basin Project and explained that the final inspection and approval from the County has occurred. Duckels and CDC also conducted a final walk-through. CPG is still waiting on a final bill but do expect the project’s cost to come within what was budgeted. Holly – Financial Statements In reviewing the 6/30/19 Balance Sheet, Holly reported that the AR balance is $29k. On the Income Statement, the capital reserve account balance is up $250k due to the association’s annual billing. Overall, the finances are in good shape. Roads – Nancy Pyle Nancy shared that the weed cutting along the roads has occurred, and crack filling has been scheduled for the end of the summer. In addition, the entire road system will be sealed this year, per NWCC’s recommendation of doing so every 2-3 years based on our climate and conditions. ARC Update – Holly A homeowner on Aspen Ridge Road asked for approval in changing the paint color of their house, and Holly reported that ARC approved the paint color. Ongoing Projects * Wildfire Mitigation – Sarah Bart Brown, of the Colorado State Forest Service, will be conducting a Wildfire Hazard Analysis of the neighborhood. After he compiles his report, a neighborhood meeting will be held to inform homeowners about what they can be doing with regards to wildfire mitigation. The Board will also provide homeowners with a list of consultants who can perform individual lot analyses, as that is not a service Bart can provide. * Board Positions & Meeting Schedule - Medora The Board discussed the frequency of BOD meetings, and it was decided that meetings will be held quarterly, rather than bimonthly. They will be scheduled approximately 3 weeks at the end of each quarter. In the next few weeks, Medora will send out a proposed meeting schedule to board members, and this information will be added to the DRHOA website. Next, Medora informed the Board that Tom Valicenti has resigned his position as a board member, and Medora explained that the BOD has the option to keep the BOD member count at four, or they can appoint a replacement for Tom’s position. After BOD discussion, Sarah made a motion to keep the Board at four members. The motion was seconded by Jim and unanimously approved. By consensus, the following officers were appointed for the upcoming fiscal year: • Sarah Jones – President • Holly Van Deursen – Treasurer • Nancy Pyle – Secretary In addition, the following Committee Heads were appointed: • Jim Lob – Water • Sarah Jones – ARC • Nancy Pyle – Roads Survey Results – CIP Survey - Sarah Sarah reported that 20 surveys were received and provided a summary of the two topics: Topic 1: Timing for re-surfacing roads throughout Dakota Ridge - all respondents chose the option of deferring to later timing recommended by experts (estimated 2028 or beyond). Topic 2: Possible unified trash/recycle collection – 4 respondents chose the option to keep trash collection, as it is now, arranged by individual homeowners; 2 did not choose a response; and 14 chose the option of having it organized through one provider for all of Dakota Ridge. The Board has directed that CPG move forward with Aces High (who provided the lowest bid) and offer it as an opt-out plan. Other Business Medora informed the BOD that CPG will be sending propane neighborhood pricing to the HOA, as soon as we receive it, later this summer/early fall. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55am. Submitted by, Angie Hansen |
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