Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Meeting of Directors
at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
March 22, 2018

Immediately following the 2018 Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (”Association”) meeting of members, a meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Association was called to order.

Members of the Board in attendance were: Paul Orzech, Sarah Jones, Jim Lob and Greg Pyle. Medora Fralick of Commercial Property Group (“CPG”) was also present.

The first action of the Board was to appoint officers for the upcoming fiscal year. By consensus, the following officers were appointed:

Sarah Jones – President
Paul Orzech – Treasurer
Jim Lob – Water
Greg Pyle – Roads
Holly Van Deursen - ARC

The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for May 10, 2018 at 8:05am at the CPG offices.

There being no further business before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25pm

Respectfully submitted,

Medora Fralick
Recording Secretary