Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association Annual Meeting at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado April 6, 2006 The annual meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Association President, David Zedeck. The first order of business was introduction of the current board members by David Zedeck and then those present introduced themselves. David then welcomed everyone to the meeting and briefly overviewed what would be discussed during the meeting. The next order of business was the Board Member Reports for the year. These reports are included with these minutes for the record. Jim Makens requested clarification of the fee structure and terminology specifically related to “remodelsâ€as a priority for the Board and the ARC. The next order of business was the introduction of guests, Doug Bradfield and Mary Andre, from Civil Design Consultants who have been retained by the DRHOA Board to conduct a water study of the Dakota Ridge water system. A complete study was presented to all present and had been reviewed previously by the Board members at the April meeting. Doug gave the presentation explaining all recommendations listed in Appendix G as prioritized by CDC. The water study is included in these minutes for the record. A few of the main concerns addressed by the water study include: 1) 40% water loss unaccounted for 2) Need of sustained yield test 3) Need of water quality test 4) Leak Detection Survey be performed 5) Water storage tank capacity 6) Update of system operator procedures – auto dialer installed David Zedeck expressed that he would direct the Board to approve the Leak Detection Survey to be done as soon as possible. The Board will also discuss at the next meeting how to deal with the excessive water users as listed in the report. Several questions from the audience were taken and answered by Doug and Mary. 1) Q: Replace bad pipe with PVC or iron? A: PVC. 2) Q: Adjust high pressure places in system with valves for a short term fix? A: Not a good fix, not significant enough. 3) Q: Bury a non-potable water tank for fire prevention (dry hydrant)? A: Coordinate with local fire department. David Zedeck suggested adding a hydrant as pipe is replaced at the appropriate in compliance with hydrant spacing by the fire department. John Pietig suggested that better sensors be utilized to detect tank overflow. Tim Depuy suggested that the water system be treated as a separate entity on the balance sheet in order to pay for itself. Arlene Zopf suggested measuring leaks from the road to the house for accounting of the unaccounted for water use. Sharon Pace suggested that owners be notified when their water usage rises that a possible leak may be occurring. The Board will be working with CDC as the survey and further study progresses and will update the Association members as the information is received. The next order of business was the introduction of The Commercial Property Group, LLC staff, their responsibilities and any questions the members may have. Medora Fralick introduced herself as owner and administrator. Medora also introduced Nancy Kounovsky as the accounting manager, Stephanie McDonald as administrative manager and Angie Hanson as administrative assistant. CPG will assist the Board and Association with accounting, meeting, ARC administration and act as a third party to member issues. Jim Makens asked why CPG was needed for building inspections. Dian Pietig replied that an objective third party was needed to facilitate compliance with the Bylaws and Covenants instead of a neighbor/lot owner. The Budget Presentation was the next item on the agenda. The budget was presented by Nancy Kounovsky of CPG. The Association Dues are increased to build up the Capital Reserve for future expenses. The 2006 Budget is included in the minutes for the record. Tim Depuy asked if the budget for water repair was adequate. Tricia Langevin replied that the outcome of the water study would impact this item so that it was approved by the Board to allocate the amount included for the present time. Tim also suggested that the Capital Reserve account truly be built up and set aside and the water system pay for itself. Jim Makens asked if there was a possibility of the water system being sold to a private party. Will Bashan stated that he had approached several water districts about possibly taking over the management of our water system but no one had come forward with any interest. The results of the Board Member Vote were the next agenda item. Medora reported that 62% of the lot owners voted and Diane Pietig and Tim Depuy were elected to serve on the Board. The Dues and Assessments were discussed previously in the meeting. The new Board for Association is David Zedeck, Will Bashan, Jim Nichols, Diane Pietig and Tim Depuy. There being no further discussion, Jim Nichols made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by David Zedeck. The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at 4:00p.m. Respectfully, Stephanie McDonald Recording Secretary NOTE: After the Annual Meeting adjourned, the new Board convened for a short meeting. Nominations for Board Officers were taken. David Zedeck as President Will Bashan as Vice President Diane Pietig as Secretary Jim Nichols as Treasurer Tim Depuy as Member David made a motion to direct CPG to inform CDC to obtain bids for the leak detection survey as soon as possible and it was seconded by Tim. Diane asked if the Board would make the monthly meeting dates the same every month. The Board decided unanimously to have the monthly meeting dates on the second Thursday of every month at 1:00 p.m. to be held at The Commercial Property Group, LLC Board Room starting in May 2006. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Stephanie McDoanld |
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