Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2014

A regular meeting of the board of directors (“Board”) of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (“Association”) was held on June 12, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: Sharon Pace
Jim Simon
Tomas Stone
Tom Valicenti (by phone)
Carrie Hayden

Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
Barb and Bob Shortle
Nancy Jarchow
Lewis Niewoehner

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Tom Valicenti.

The first item on the agenda was the Financials given by Tomas Stone. He noted the material variances—primarily below budget snowplowing expense and administrative fees, along with slightly greater water income and timing differences—which put the budget to the positive by about $3,500. There was discussion of the Association’s $75,000 bank CD maturing July 8th and possible alternatives for investing the money in that account. Tomas recommended opening an account at Mountain Valley Bank and transferring the money from the maturing CD into that account. He also suggested adding up to $100,000 from the money market account to keep from going over the FDIC insured limit of $250,000 at any one bank. The Board was in agreement with this recommendation.

Tomas asked for the minutes from previous meetings to be approved at each meeting going forward. He had an addendum to the previous meeting minutes to include that no firm price was given for third proposal which stated that Ed MacArthur thought the cost would be from $90K to $100K. Sharon feels the Board approves the minutes ahead of the meeting via email and appreciates that method as the information is fresher.

Jim made a motion to approve Tomas’s addendum to the previous meeting minutes and it was seconded by Tom. A vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved.

Under Roads, Jim Simon stated that some road signs have been stolen or fallen down and noted that the condition of the stone column at Sugar Ridge Road needs to be discussed. The stone column does not comply with the Association covenants and was not put in by the Association. There was discussion of possible options.

Tomas made a motion to give notice to the three affected owners of the desire to remove the column and if the affected homeowners have no objection or make no response within a reasonable time the column will be removed by the Association. The motion was seconded by Jim. All voted in favor. The motion was approved.

There was discussion of the missing road signs and what signs should replace them. Tom made a motion to place metal “Private Roads” and speed limit signs at both entrances. Sharon Pace seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The motion passed.

Medora said that a DRHOA resident had asked if a security company could be hired to be present at both entrances during a busy weekend to inform people of the neighborhood rules. The Board was in agreement to deny the request. Carrie asked the newspaper be contacted to republish an article about cycling on private roads.

Medora said that crack sealing will be done after the 4th of July. A robo call will be scheduled to alert the Association’s homeowners of timing of this annual maintenance work.

Under the Water Report, Lewis Niewoehner, Lot 37, had timely requested to address the Board on this topic and was present. Tom stated that he and Lew had talked prior to the board meeting and that Lew’s questions had been addressed. Lew stated that his questions had been concerning the well feed and water line replacement. Medora said that an annual report of the water quality is sent to all owners every year. Last year’s report will be sent to Mr. Niewoehner. This year’s report should be received soon.

Medora is still waiting on a firm price for the contract with Native Excavating for the water line replacement.

It was suggested to put a notice with the next water billings requesting that CPG be given caretaker or other contact information for all owners that are not year round residents or when absent from the home in case of emergency situations.

A request was made for a robo call to alert homeowners of Native Excavating’s schedule for the pipe replacement.

Under the ARC report, Tomas asked if the language respecting solar installations had been reviewed and adopted by the Board. The other board members agreed that this information had already been adopted. Carrie asked about a permit sign that may possibly need to be removed. Medora will investigate.

Carrie reported that the ARC approved a request to change the exterior paint colors for the home on Lot 32. Lot 40 has requested a garage addition which, pending satisfactory resolution of several open issues, the ARC is recommending for approval by the Board. Lot 32 has recently submitted plans for an addition and renovation which the ARC will review. A question was raised whether ARC fees for additions and remodels cover the expenses of the ARC to review them. Medora was asked to track the costs of ongoing and upcoming projects to ensure that ARC expenses are covered by the fees imposed. The Board may revisit this issue if the fees in place are inadequate.

Jim asked about the Ferellgas contracts being reviewed by the Association’s attorney. Carrie noted that the contracts are with the individual owners and the Association is not a party to the contracts. This was the consensus of the other Board members. Tom said that he will keep the board informed of his contact with Ferellgas at the next meeting.

The next board meeting is TBD.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting