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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting of Members
at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
April 2, 2012
The annual meeting of the members of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (�DRHOA� or �Association�) was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Association President David Zedeck.
Four members of the board of directors (�Board�) of DRHOA were in attendance: David Zedeck, Mindy Williams, Michael Williams and H.C. Pace. Medora Fralick, Nancy Kounovsky and Stephanie McDonald of the Commercial Property Group (�CPG�), administrator for DRHOA, were also present. A sign in sheet for all lot owners in attendance is included with these minutes for the record.
The first order of business was to establish a quorum. Medora Fralick of CPG gave the tally of those members in attendance and the proxies in hand. Seven lots were represented in person and 33 proxies were in hand. A total of 40 out of 74 lots were represented. A total of 51% representation is required by the association covenants to establish a quorum. A quorum was established.
The results of the Board Member Vote were the next item of discussion. One seat was up for election. Mindy Williams was the only candidate. She received 38 votes, which were verified by the staff of CPG. She will serve a two year term.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of the prior Annual Meeting minutes. There being no changes or further discussion. H.C. Pace made a motion to approve the 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes and it was seconded by Steve Hofman. A vote was taken with all in favor signifying by saying aye and those opposed by saying nay. All voted in favor with the motion passing unanimously.
The next item of business was the President�s Report and Board Member Reports. These reports will be posted on the website and recorded with these minutes.
Highlights from the Road report given by David Zedeck noted that the roads are in good condition, crack sealing is scheduled and yearly maintenance is being done.
Under the ARC report Mindy Williams reported that the neighborhood is very quiet concerning building, some guidelines have been revised and two neighborhood gatherings were very well attended.
Michael Williams reviewed the financial information provided for the meeting. He noted that water expenses are up with snow plowing and road maintenance expenses going down. Annual dues increased by $200 in order to cover operating expenses. Questions were taken from the floor. There was discussion as to what was considered an operating expense or a capital expenditure.
H.C. Pace gave the Water report. He stated that there had not been a water break for two years until this last year. He noted that several comments had been received stating concern over the water system. He said that the water system is still showing a 40% water loss. A leak detection survey did not reveal all the leakage. Small leaks and illegal hydrants accounted for some leakage. Dale Morris asked if the leak was consistent over the year or during a certain time of year. This inquiry will be researched and the data will be shared. H.C. said that a water sub-committee was formed made up of a civil engineer from CDC, Ed MacArthur from Native Excavating, Tim Gibbons (water system administrator), Jim Chubrillo (current owner) and himself. The water line system was assessed from their meetings.
The discussion of the water report lead into the discussion of the Capital Reserve Projection option information provided at the meeting. Three options include replacing a large section of pipe in a known trouble area, replacing the water line in the ditch in two trouble spots or water line replacement in the trouble spots in the road area. It was suggested to research the possibility of replacing the line with newer techniques such as pipe in pipe replacement. Discussion ensued over what information is still needed on the water system in order to make a decision on the suggested three options. The board will research and report back to the association the useful life of pig-iron pipe, source of leakage and pipe in pipe replacement technique. Medora Fralick also reported that the association might be subject to Colorado state law regarding the source of the water being ground or surface water. Testing has already been ordered to comply with the state law. There is the possibility of upgraded water treatment equipment necessary to meet state requirements. Steve Hofman suggested that a draft of all information discussed of the potential water system changes and capital reserve projections be drawn up and signed off on by all in attendance and then distributed to the association. Dale Morris suggested billing monthly in the summer for water and providing the names of the highest water users to the neighborhood as a way to encourage water conservation. Mindy Williams suggested having a �water meeting� once all information has been distributed. Steve Hofman asked why the existing covenants have not been enforced on high water users if they are irrigating more than the allowed acreage. Mindy stated that some homes were built long before the existing board was seated and the board does not want to use association funds to aggressively stop high tier users in a legal manner. An Association Water meeting will be scheduled once the Board has more information and answers to questions concerning water issues.
Sharon Pace made a motion to approve the 2012 Budget as presented and Steve Hofman seconded the motion. All voted in favor with none opposed. The motion passed.
The attendees thanked the board for their time and hard work.
There being no further business before the meeting, it was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Stephanie McDonald
Recording Secretary