Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2012

A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on February 8, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: H.C. Pace
Mindy Williams
David Zedeck
Carrie Hayden (by phone)

Guests: Stephanie McDonald
Medora Fralick
Ed MacArthur
Doug Bradfield

The first item on the agenda was the Water Report. Ed MacArthur of Native Excavating and Doug Bradfield of Civil Design Consultants were present as consultants on the sub-committee. The water sub-committee had previously met. A handout was reviewed that detailed three options recommended by the consultants. Medora stated that along with these projections, there will be a need for the water treatment facility will be required to be up to code by the State of Colorado. One option to finance this would be the formation of a Metro District which may include the applying for grants. Ed MacArthur reported on the presence of “hot zones” in the soil around the neighborhood which contributes to the deterioration of pipe. Doug Bradfield reported that the water industry standards and distribution system was looked into and that the suggested system repairs included in the three options are proactive options, not critical ones. He stated that the water system will be required to be tested to see if it is under the influence of surface water. This testing takes 18 months to complete. He noted this is a short period of time for completion of testing, research and financing to be compliant. Medora stated that this testing has been ordered by Tim Gibbons, the water treatment manager. Discussion ensued regarding the best option and immediate work needed. Doug felt fixing the known trouble spots and putting the water line in the ditch as realistic. He also suggested putting in a couple of hydrants for flushing the system. He noted that the upgrades to the tank in the last year are very effective. Ed suggests fixing the two “hot spots” or to add new vales to isolate the “bad” section to lesson inconvenience to the neighborhood as a whole. The Board will take all information and options under advisement.

Discussion ensued regarding the Annual Meeting. In order to be compliant with the association’s governing documents, the Board agreed to change the meeting to Monday, April 2, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the Hampton Inn in Steamboat Springs, CO.

The next item of discussion was the proposed 2012 Budget. Nancy Kounovsky of the Commercial Property Group joined the meeting. The water income line is based on historical usage at the new rates. There is a higher administrative expense due to the amount of ongoing legal issues and water issues. There was discussion of the operational costs not being met by the Budget. There was also discussion as to the adequacy of the capital reserve in light of future possible water projects.

A motion was made by Carrie to approve the proposed 2012 Budget with the increase in the annual dues to $1,100 per lot, leaving the capital reserve assessment at $600, for a total of $1700 due from each lot for the year. The motion was seconded by David. A vote was taken with all in approval. The motion was carried unanimously.

More research will be done for a presentation of the capital reserve projection at the Annual Meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 8 at 8:30 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting
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