Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2010

A regular meeting of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on November 11, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: Michael Williams
Mindy Williams
H.C. Pace
Thomas Stone
David Zedeck

Guests: Stephanie McDonald
Medora Fralick
Tom Dover
Marilyn and Jim Simon

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. All the board members and Stephanie McDonald and Medora Fralick were present.

The Financial report was the first item on the agenda. Michael Williams gave the Financial report. There is no significant difference on the Financials from last month. Under Receivables, the owners of Lot 54 have been in communication with Medora on their past due invoices. The Board has asked that they be contacted asking for immediate payment of their past due amounts. Nancy Kounovsky researched the option of moving some Association cash into certificates of deposit but due to upcoming snow removal costs and low interest rates, she recommended moving any excess monies over the maximum $250,000 FDIC insured amount to the Association checking account (which as a “non-interest bearing transactional account” is FDIC insured in an unlimited amount). The Board was in agreement.

Under the Road report, there was no new information.

The next item on the agenda was the ARC report. Tom Dover, owner of Lot 52 was invited into the meeting to address the Board with some concerns he has with the Association Covenants. He questioned the amount of the ARC review fee, compliance deposit, dog rules and road damage fee. He noted his concern that these rules are restrictive and may negatively impact the value of the remaining unbuilt lots in Dakota Ridge. Mindy handed out an informational sheet detailing the ARC costs of recent building projects in Dakota Ridge, noting that a lot owner’s compliance costs associated with building are approximately equal to the costs the Association incurs reviewing and monitoring the building process. The Board thanked Tom for coming to the Board with his concerns and will take them under consideration. Tom was excused from the meeting.

Under the Water Report, owners Jim and Marilyn Simon of Lot 18 were invited into the meeting and addressed the Board concerning the Tier IV water usage invoice they received for their water use in the third quarter. A letter detailing the steps they have taken to isolate any leaks was previously submitted by the Simons and is included with these minutes for the record. It was discovered that their water meter was not working properly and a new one has been installed and is now in working condition. The Simon’s requested to have the Tier IV water charge waived. The Board asked that going forward, the owners be conscious of water usage particularly in the third quarter. The Simons were excused from the meeting and H.C. Pace made a motion that in light of the inoperative nature of the water meter and that the meter has been addressed, the surcharge for the third quarter be removed and Mindy Williams seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. H.C. called the question to a vote and the motion was approved with four votes in favor and Thomas abstaining.

The next item on the agenda was Lot 47, owner David Zedeck. David explained that he also incurred a Tier IV water charge for third quarter on this lot. He noted that his landscaping on this lot falls under the recently adopted Board Water Usage Policy for new homes having two years to establish landscaping and is exempt from this surcharge upon request by such a homeowner. H.C. made a motion to waive the Tier IV water usage charge and it was seconded by Michael Williams. David abstained from the vote. The motion was approved with four votes in favor.

The next item of business was Lot 36. Owner Barbara Morrison submitted a letter which is included with these minutes for the record. She too incurred a Tier IV water usage charge in the third quarter. Thomas made a motion to waive the Tier IV water usage charge pursuant to the same Board Water Usage Policy and it was seconded by Mindy. The motion was approved unanimously.

The next item of business was discussion of the Covenant packet. Mindy presented a draft of a cover letter to be sent out with the packet for review. She also suggested some clarification verbiage for the covenants. The final packet will be approved by email from the Board members before being sent out to the Association members.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 9 at 8:30 a.m.

Under Other Business, the Holiday Meeting will be held at the home of John and Mindy Williams at a date yet to be determined. An amount of $750 has been authorized for the expenditure in the Budget.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting
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