Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2009

A meeting of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on June 8, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: Tomas Stone
Diane Pietig
Tim DePuy
Michael Williams

Guests: Stephanie McDonald
Medora Fralick

The meeting of the Board of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was called to order at 12:00 p.m.

The first order of business was the Financials. The Financials are included with these minutes for the record. Receivables for annual dues and 2nd quarter water usage are high. Letters will be sent out to the overdue owners. Medora stated that no bill has been received from Connell yet for the road project. Brian Len from NWCC has been out inspecting the roads and marking any failures he sees. A bill was incurred for water rights filing which is an annual expense.

The next item of business was the Water Report. Tim DePuy has refined the water surcharge proposal as defined in an email included in these minutes.

After some discussion, Diane Pietig made a motion to adopt a $2,500.00 water surcharge fine for any owner using more the 150,000 gallons in one quarter in addition to the quarterly water invoice for that same quarter and it was seconded by Tomas Stone. The motion was approved unanimously.

A letter will be sent to all owners per Tim and an auto call will be done informing owners of the change. Letters for the continuing water meter re-certification program have been sent out for this year.

The next item of business was the Road Report. Medora noted that some failures have been seen by Brian Len of NWCC. Medora and Brian Len will be doing an inspection in the upcoming week. Native Excavating will be contacted for repair work to be done due to damage resulting from snow removal. Skateboarders continue to be a problem in the neighborhood. Medora said that anyone pulling boards behind vehicles should be reported to the sheriff.

The next item of business was the ARC report. Diane reported that two ARC meetings have been conducted in the last month. Lot 60 has stripped vegetation outside of the building envelope. The owners have submitted plans but were never approved. Landscaping plans will be submitted. A special meeting was conducted to address this lot and all areas of concern have been addressed.

There was discussion of changes to the covenants. A change to the fee structure has been proposed.

A motion was made by Tim to adopt the fine structure as proposed in the covenant changes as presented and it was seconded by Tomas. The motion was approved unanimously.

Lot 49 submitted plans for a deck extension and expansion of a roof line which was approved by ARC.

Under Other Business, Medora reported that a hump in the road by lot 74 will need to be repaired. As required by the fire department the water will be turned off for half a day. This work will be done in the fall.

Lot 12 owners are asking for an extension on the completion of their building project. After some discussion the Board agreed to implement a fine of $25,000.00. The Board also requests the exterior and landscaping work be complete by October 15th and that the landscaping plan must be submitted no later than Jul 15th.

Complaints of fireworks in the neighborhood have been received. Fireworks are discouraged because of the fire hazard and noise nuisance.

The next meeting is meeting on July 9, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. at the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting
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