Thursday October 3rd, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008

A meeting of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on April 10, 2008 at 12:30 p.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: Brent Langevin
David Zedeck
Diane Pietig
Tim DePuy

Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
The meeting of the Board of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was called to order at 12:30 p.m.

Medora Fralick presented the Financials for Board review. The legal fees came in much lower than anticipated for 2007 leaving the Association $38,000 to the good for the year. A water line repair bill will be forthcoming from Native Excavating for a bill incurred at the very end of the fiscal year. Medora stated that the Board needed to make a resolution regarding the net income as whether to carryover the money or move it to the Capital Reserve account.

After further discussion Tim DePuy made a motion to move the end of year net income to the Capital Reserve account with the contingency that the dollar amount will be adjusted dependent upon the forthcoming water line repair bill from Native Excavating and it was seconded by Brent Langevin. The motion was approved unanimously.

Under Water Update discussion, Medora updated the Board about a water leak affecting the Aldendifer’s lot recently. Native Excavating found the source of the leak and that a failed coupling caused a line rupture. The failure is not related to the line capping done in the fall. Medora will research further as to who will be responsible for the repair cost of the leak. Medora will also meet with Native Excavating for an emergency plan for leaks in the future which includes locates, contact names, locate services and any other information essential for an effective plan.

Under the Road update, the Board discussed forming a sub-committee to walk the neighborhood when the weather allows to determine a road plan and give recommendations to the Board.

David Zedeck made a motion to form a sub-committee for a roads and drainage study and it was seconded by Tim. The motion was approved unanimously.

Diane Pietig gave the ARC report. The committee met April 8th. Lot 74 submitted building and landscape plans which were approved. Lot 12 will be asked to submit landscaping plans.
Medora stated that the ARC guidelines have been reviewed and proposed changes have been recommended. These changes will be reviewed by the ARC and then submitted to the Board for final approval.

Diane also gave an ARC update from the March 11th meeting. Lot 49 submitted landscaping changes and the committee asked for additional information. Partial approval was granted. Concerns at Lot 12 were reported and resolved. Lot 20 has made a verbal request for a start date revision. The ARC has asked for a written request to be submitted.

After some discussion of the start date revision by Lot 20, the Board directed Medora to send a letter to the owner stating that the start date of 6/1/07 will be enforced which includes a 3 month extension as previously requested by the owner and granted by the ARC making the construction period 21 months.

Under Other business, Medora provided information to the Board members regarding the extension of the water rights filing from the attorney handling the issue for the DRHOA. She asked the Board to review and respond before the next meeting.

Tim asked that information be provided to the lot owners regarding upcoming weed control services for the neighborhood. Medora will gather that information so owners can coordinate private weed control service with the common area weed control contracted with HiGo Weedbusters. An auto dial call will be made to the Association plus be posted on the website.

Tim will present a starting agenda of the water meter recertification program at the next meeting. He also asked the Board if a fine should be implemented into the water rate schedule for those lots using more than the top tier of the present schedule to encourage heavy users to cut down on excessive water usage. The Board agreed and asked him to present a recommendation at the next meeting.

The next meeting is meeting on May 8th, 2008 at 12:30 p.m. at board room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting
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