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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
March 13, 2008
The annual meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Association President, David Zedeck.
Board members in attendance were David Zedeck, Diane Pietig, Tim DePuy, Brent Langevin and Tomas Stone. Medora Fralick, Nancy Kounovsky and Stephanie McDonald of the Commercial Property Group, administrator for DRHOA were also present. A sign in sheet for all lot owners in attendance is included with these minutes for the record.
The first order of business was introduction of the current board members by David Zedeck and then those present introduced themselves. David then welcomed everyone to the meeting and briefly overviewed what would be discussed during the meeting.
David gave a brief President�s message. He stated that the Association and Board have been running smoothly for the past year and thanked Commercial Property Group for their work as administrators of the Association.
The next item of business was Board Member Reports. Tim DePuy gave the Water report. A copy of this report will be available on the website. Tim stated that over the past year there had been one minor water break. The water system is paying for itself and the water rate system is based on consumption. During the past year an alarm alert system has been installed at the pump house and another one will be installed at the storage tank this summer. The water study is still showing a 40% loss of water from the pump house to the tank even after illegal taps have been disabled and leaks have been fixed. The old meter at the pump house will be replaced and the water meter recertification program will begin in May to ensure accurate water metering. The Board will continue to pinpoint the source of the water loss. The Water Meter Recertification Program information will also be available on the website. Tim also reported that the copper level in the water system is still at a safe level and will continue to be closely monitored. Due to high water usage in the 3rd Quarter of 2007, another tier for water consumption may be added to the water rate schedule. The Board may also consider enforcing the covenants more stringently pertaining to allowable irrigated land.
The Treasurer�s report was given by Tomas Stone. Tomas noted that the current year shows a surplus and also lower water operation costs and lower legal costs. He added that the 2008 Budget is similar to last year. The annual dues and capital reserve assessment will remain the same as last year. Kay Makens asked for a breakdown of the ARC fees. Medora Fralick stated that $2,500 is a road damage fee; $2,500 is for ongoing administrative costs for building process and $500 for the architect fee. Costs for each project are tracked to ensure that it is self-funding.
David Zedeck was in charge of the Road report. He presented guest, Brian Len of NWCC to explain the Road Assessment Report. Brian stated that 99% of the road system is in good condition and should have a 20 year life. The Dakota Ridge road system has had no overlay added in 15 years, only crack sealing. He recommends that the North entrance up to Trail Ridge Road have failed sections removed and full depth patching done. He also recommends we go through all ditches and clean them for better drainage and to continue crack sealing annually. He also recommends that an one and a half inch overlay for the entire road system be done in the next 3 years. Patching the �alligator cracking� and soft areas with an overlay this year is also suggested. A chip seal or seal coat procedure could also be done to maintain condition until overlay is done. John Pietig suggested that the whole neighborhood have ditches cleaned. Medora stated that Ed MacArthur from Native Excavating will be at the next monthly DRHOA meeting to discuss ditch maintenance with the Board. Steve Hoffman asked that the Board put together options for the Association to consider before any decisions are made. Tim said that the Board is in a fact-finding phase and will look at all options and then present a recommendation to the Association. Lynn Garrell suggested that the repair of road area with un-built lots be done later due to potential construction impact. Brian suggested that heavy truck road traffic constrictions could be used in the spring to help with road damage. David noted that the area has a very short building season and the road has held up well for the last 15 years. John Pietig also noted narrow road shoulders in some areas. Brian recommended that the shoulders be re-graded so there is no negative draining. Tim and Medora suggested that the Board members and Association volunteers walk the neighborhood with Brian Len and Ed MacArthur to assess the roads.
Dian Pietig gave the ARC report. Diane, Liz Aldendifer and Lynn Garrell make up ARC and meet on an as needed basis. Diane reported that last year there were three new home starts, three remodels/additions, three painting requests, one site with tree removal, three landscaping submittals and one envelope change. Kay Makens asked for the status on Lot 20 building time frame. Diane noted that there has been communication with the owner and that the owner is aware of the time situation.
The next item of business was the Budget Presentation before the membership for ratification. Medora stated that the Board had already approved the Budget for 2008 and it was before the membership for ratification or denial.
There being no further questions or discussion on the Budget, Steve Hoffman mad a motion to approve the 2008 Budget as presented and it seconded by Liz Aldendifer. A verbal vote was taken with those in favor signify be saying aye and those opposed by saying nay. All present voted by saying aye with no one opposed and the motion was approved.
The next item of business was the Board Member Vote. Medora stated that the seats of Tim DePuy and Diane Pietig were up for election. Tim and Diane are running unopposed. Medora stated that as of the close of the period for receiving proxies a quorum existed and that a majority of ballots were received by The Commercial Property Group, LLC and counted with both members being re-elected for another two year term.
The next item was Dues and Assessments. The Dues and Capital Reserve have been approved with the previous ratification of the Budget. The Annual Dues will be $900 and the Capital Assessment will be $600.
Under Other Member Discussion, Steve Hoffman thanked the Board for negotiating the rate structure for propane for the neighborhood.
Medora noted that there were concerned owners regarding skateboarders. The Dakota Ridge roads are a private road system and skateboarders are considered to be trespassing. Medora has made arrangements with the Sheriff�s office for owner�s to call and report skateboarders. She noted that you need to provide a license plate number and call when they are in the neighborhood in order for the officers to respond. The number is 970-879-1090 which is a non-emergency number.
Kay and Jim Makens added that vehicle speeding is also a neighborhood problem. Tim noted that signs will continue to be used in the neighborhood to help with the speeding problem.
There being no further business, David made a motion to adjourn with Steve Hoffman seconding the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
Stephanie McDonald
Recording Secretary
The newly-seated Board met for its first required meeting after the conclusion of the Annual Meeting of Homeowners and elected officers and assigned roles for the 2008/09 fiscal year.