Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Board of Directors Meeting
April 9, 2024 at 8:30 AM via Zoom

Board Members Present: Ron Lemieux, Holly Van Deursen, Bill Noyes, Scott Prochazka

Others Present: Garrett Eller and Mary Andre (CDC), Andrea Wilhelm and Selena Wathern (CPG)

The meeting was called to order at 8:34 AM. With 4 of 5 Board Members present, a quorum was established.

Water System Updates with CDC, Meter Pit Installation Project, and Water Loss Testing Guidelines
Andrea began by presenting the 1st Quarter Water Summary noting the data was skewed due to a valve failure at the pumphouse causing overflow and backflow which likely overinflated the gallons pumped data. The overflow loss is difficult to quantify and could not be factored into the Water Summary. 2nd Quarter data is expected to be accurate although one of three pumps will still need to be pulled for the repair of the overflow valve; the vendor was waiting for snow and weather to clear for easier access. Ron expressed concern with the continuing water loss rates and asked how the Board could work to decrease the water loss or if there is a generally acceptable loss rate based upon the design and age of the system. Garrett and Mary said they would run some calculations on this and report back to the Board. They further explained that losses in the range of 5 GPM or less could be indicative of several smaller leaks in the system likely occurring at joints in the piping. This is known as diffuse leakage and it is a common and accepted source of water loss in private systems which typically increases as the system ages. Diffuse leakage cannot be efficiently corrected with joints installed every 10 to 20 feet in the lines. Loss rates above 5 GPM or sudden increases in loss rates could be indicative of a potentially larger leak. The engineers recommend monthly reporting to monitor trends closely for loss rates between 5 and 10 GPM and discussed additional investigative measures if rates change substantially and/or exceed 10GPM. Such measures could include conducting visual inspections, surface water testing, meter monitoring, infrastructure review, and additional zone testing for loss rates exceeding 10 GPM. The group discussed the fluctuations in loss rates year-over-year, the seasons in which loss rates peak, potential causation for increased loss, and the investigative steps that should be taken at appropriate intervals. The group also noted the pumphouse meter was installed to measure the water loss in the line between the vault and the pumphouse, running underneath River Road, with Andrea noting that data indicates over 90%+ of the pumped water is reaching the vault. Garrett is preparing the Request for Proposal documents for the meter pit installation and anticipates a target award date of mid-May. The group discussed the preferred bidding process, project timeline, vendors to be solicited, award methodology, and future project pricing. Garrett will review lot prioritization based on several discussed criteria.

Annual Meeting Packet
Holly reviewed the financial report to be presented at the meeting highlighting variances greater than $2,000 in last year’s financials, changes over $2000 in this year’s budget, the decrease in operating and reserve dues, and capital reserve spending vs. projections. The Reserve Plan remained the same since the last Board discussion, except for a $5000 addition to the cluster mailbox line in 2024/2025 bringing it to a total of $10K in order to cover the mailbox structure. Andrea asked the Board to review the Committee Reports and provide input. The Board discussed potential topics of homeowner comments/questions to include recent water system and roads projects.

ARC Updates
Carrie Hayden is temporarily unable to serve on the Architectural Review Committee. Ron Lemieux made a motion to appoint Holly Van Deursen to substitute for Carrie until her return. Bill Noyes seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

Other Business
Andrea noted that there is one common parcel that is densely wooded and suggested implementing a wildfire mitigation schedule for the area. Holly revisited the sinkhole near Agate Creek Road noting that it appears to have been caused by an issue with the drainage ditch at a nearby home under construction. The contractor was to re-open the drainage ditch before the start of the winter season, but some owners have reported that this did not occur. Andrea will follow up with the contractor to discuss. Andrea detailed CPG’s spring project of refinishing all wooden signs in the neighborhood and reinstalling signs that were damaged during the winter. CPG will also review the roadsides to identify dead or downed trees. The Board requested CPG solicit RSVPs for the Annual Meeting along with proxies for all regardless of attendance plans to ensure a quorum will be established. The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday July 11th at 8:30 AM via Zoom.

The meeting adjourned at 9:56 AM.

Submitted by,
Commercial Property Group
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