Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Annual Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2022 at 4pm via Zoom

Present in Person: Sarah Jones, Holly Van Deursen, Ron Lemieux, John Engel, Nancy Jarchow, Sharon Pace, Randy Rudasics, Jean-Luc Nauleau, Bill Noyes, Don Jackson, Robert Turner, Steve & Jacki Hofman, Craig Filkouski, David Dennis, Jim & Jean Ruthrauff, Tomas Stone, Julian & Lisa Allen, John Blenke, Tom Valicenti, Dana Thorne, June & Neil Winward, Carrie Hayden

Present by Proxy: Lots 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19, 23, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 71

Introductions and Roll Call

Board President Sarah Jones called the meeting to order at 4:04pm and a roll call was performed for those present. Andrea Wilhelm from Commercial Property Group confirmed that a 50% quorum was established based on those present in person and by proxy.

Consent Agenda

After inquiring whether there were any changes or edits to the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes, Sarah made a motion to approve them as presented in the meeting packet. John Blenke seconded the motion, all others were in favor with none opposed. Motion passed.

Treasurer Holly Van Deursen briefly spoke to the board approved 2022/2023 fiscal year budget presented in the packet as well as the Treasurer’s Report. She indicated the association had finished the prior fiscal year ending 3/31/22 well ahead of budget by roughly $15K. The primary change to this year’s proposed budget is the addition $25K of additional legal fees intended to cover the covenant amendment process but to be funded from reserves. With no further question, Steve Hofman made a motion to ratify the budget as presented, Don Jackson seconded the motion, and all those were in favor with none opposed. Motion passed.

Next, Sarah Jones announced that three board seats were being presented for election - the remainder of Holly Van Deursen’s two year term (due to the lack of quorum at last year’s meeting) and two additional three year terms to replace Sarah Jones and Jim Lob. Andrea thanked Sarah for her three terms of service and explained that Jim Lob has sold his home the day prior. The two replacement nominees for Sarah and Jim were Carrie Hayden and Bill Noyes. Randy Rudasics made a motion to elect Holly, Carrie and Bill to fill the respective board terms, Steve Hofman seconded the motion, and all those present were in favor with none opposed. Motion passed.

Committee Reports

Reports from each Committee Chair were provided in the meeting packet in regard to finance, roads, water, ARC, and the Covenant Review Committee. Holly asked to make a few comments about finance, water and roads. She informed everyone the “Capital Improvement Plan Sources and Uses of Capital Document” had been recently updated on the website but the estimates for road repairs beyond the next five years have not yet been updated as the Board is waiting to review an updated engineering report this with NWCC. It does appear that reserve balances 5-8 years from now may drop below the desired $300K minimum previously established by the Board and therefore necessitate an increase in capital reserve dues at some point.

Regarding water, Holly reported that the smart meters were installed in all homes last fall and a flow meter was also placed in PRV Vault 1 which is the first vault that water enters after it is pumped out of the river and chlorine contact basin. After two different opinions from the local water engineers (CDC) and a firm in Denver, acoustic leak detection was recommended as the next step in the process to continue to identify/pinpoint water loss percentages that are larger than they should be. A contractor named American Leak Detection will be on site next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 10th/11th to test the main lines and all owners should minimize water usage during the hours of 8am-5pm on those days to improve testing outcomes.

On roads, Holly noted that with the exception of Upper Trail Ridge, the Board has been advised the roads are in generally good condition and, with ongoing crack-filling and sealing, expected to last at least 10 more years. A new crack-filling product called mastic was used last season for some larger cracks and will continue to be utilized in additional areas this summer before the full sealing takes place. Andrea said she would notify owners as soon as possible about the dates and details of the sealing and also check with Rocky Mountain Asphalt on how owners might be able to opt in to have their driveways sealed at the same time.

Ron Lemieux, ARC Chairman made a brief reminder to everyone to please keep up with fire mitigation efforts and asked that any planned tree removal be submitted to the ARC in advance using the submittal form on the website. There is no fee for tree removal submittals and approval time should be minimal but the notification allows the ARC to be informed and mitigate any issues associated with erosion or concerns from neighbors.

Last, Sarah Jones provided an update on the Covenant Review Committee meetings. Since February, the group has reviewed each article and will be attempting to present some information and suggestions at two Open House meetings on June 20th and 21st at 5pm. The purpose of these meetings will be to gauge feedback and ensure that committee is on track with representing the viewpoints and general consensus of owners before an attorney is engaged to draft any language. It is likely the process will ultimately result in a full restatement/consolidation of the covenants and current nine amendments after owners have a chance to vote on each change individually. Randy Rudasics questioned the quantity of legal funds budgeted for the project and the Board responded that it was simply a placeholder based on roughly 80 hours but hoped it would be much less. Robert Turner asked if owners could have a copy of the working spreadsheet from the committee prior to the town hall meetings and all agreed that summary or a similar document would be helpful. Tomas suggested the committee consult with an attorney in regards to the Articles of Incorporation which he recalled as requiring signatures from 2/3 of all lot owners and their first lienors in order to make certain amendments. Andrea said she would follow up on that question with legal counsel and also reminded everything the standing CRC meetings are taking place on Fridays at 2pm and are open to anyone to attend; access information is posted on the association calendar in AppFolio.

Other Association Business

Sarah, Holly and Andrea reminded owners of the following upcoming events:

1. Monday May 9th @ 4pm: Fire Mitigation Zoom with Fire Chief Chuck Cerasoli:
Mobile Call In: +1-669-900-6833, 85891256488#
2. Tuesday May 10th and Wednesday May 11th 8am-5pm: American Leak Detection Main Line Testing (all owners are asked to minimize water usage during these hours)
3. Monday June 20th @ 5pm: In Person Covenant Review Committee Town Hall Meeting at the Hayden Residence (36140 Quarry Ridge Rd.)
4. Tuesday June 21st @ 5pm: Covenant Review Committee Town Hall Zoom Meeting:
Mobile Call In: +1-669-900-6833, 83403619867# US

With no further business or questions, Steve Hofman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:45pm, Holly Van Deursen seconded, and all were in favor.

Recorded by,
Andrea Wilhelm
Commercial Property Group
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