Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Annual Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2020 @ 4:00pm

President Sarah Jones called the meeting to order at 4pm via conference call (due to COVID-19) and began with introductions of board members and management company members. She provided some details on how the meeting would be administered over conference call and asked that people state their name before speaking, making a motion/second, or asking a question. She further explained that for the sake of time and organization, only dissenting votes would be requested and favorable votes would be assumed for all others who remain silent.

Based on the number of written proxies received prior to the meeting (attached), Medora from Commercial Property Group announced that a 50% quorum of 37 owners was already established. Next, she asked the other lot owners present on the call to introduce themselves. The following owners were present: Tom Valicenti, Justin Read, Tomas Stone, Mike & Arlene Zopf, Holly Van Deursen & Craig Iseli, Ron Lemieux, Mike Keating, David Dennis, Sarah Jones, Jim Lob, Phil & Carrie Rawlins, Don Jackson, Nancy Jarchow, and Julian Allen. Others present were Medora Fralick and Andrea Wilhelm from Commercial Property Group.

The first order was approval of the 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes. Mike Keating made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Tom Valicenti seconded the motion, and there were no opposing votes.

The next order of business was the ratification of the 2020 board-approved budget, presented today for formal ratification. Holly Van Deursen reported that the 2020 operating and reserve dues remain the same as last year. She also reported that the 2020 budget is also comparable to the previous years with no items changing more than $5,000 other than water system operations and fees. Tom Valicenti made a motion to approve the budget, Mike Keating seconded the motion. There were no owners opposed which meant the budget was ratified unanimously.

All owners received a series of committee reports (Financial, Roads, Water System, ARC, and President’s Report) along with the Annual Meeting packet. Sarah allowed a moment for questions and comments regarding those reports:

• Mike Keating said that he appreciated the efforts of the board and committee members and found the reports to be very helpful and informative.
• Tomas Stone inquired about revegetation of the area above his house along with weed control. Medora reported the HOA started working with NRC and Bart Brown from the Forest Service last fall on a fire assessment and mitigation effort that will continue this summer. All Weather Services was replaced by Natural Resource Consultants Forester Keith Kyle who did some revegetation on that parcel late fall and will do additional work this spring.
• Tom Valicenti inquired about the fire mitigation effort as it pertains to downed trees on private lots as well as the board’s position on enforcement. Sarah Jones said the effort will start with education to various owners about their specific lot recommendations and the board will evaluate responses from there.
• Phil Rawlins made a comment about snow plowing at the top of Trail Ridge Road to inquire whether Native can push snow into a different area to minimize the landscape damage each spring. CPG will investigate and have Native repair, grade and seed the area if necessary.
• Tomas Stone asked why the water operations expenses increased and if the board could provide an overview of $72K water line replacement project budgeted this year for on Aspen Ridge Road. Medora reported that the water cost increase was primarily due to an increase in Tim Gibbon’s fees and Andrea added that there were also extra water system testing requirements/expenses in 2019. The purpose of the $72K water line project is to replace ductile iron pipe where there is a history of leaks. More information will be forthcoming about the timing and impact of this project for residents.

Other Comments:

Mike Keating asked if it would be possible to open the board meetings to all DRHOA homeowners via conference call and Medora said she will double check that he and all homeowners are receiving the notices and call-in number as the meetings are open to any owner wanting to attend.

Arlene Zopf inquired about the cluster mailbox effort, especially amidst the COVID pandemic. Holly Van Deursen mentioned that the board does have this on their project list for 2020.

Carrie Rawlins thanked the board and the snow removal company (Native Excavating) for their excellent service to the HOA.

With no further business, Sarah Jones adjourned the meeting at 4:35pm.

Submitted by,
Andrea Wilhelm
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