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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting of Members
at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
March 23, 2017
The annual meeting of the members (“Membersâ€) of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (“DRHOA†or “Associationâ€) was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Association President Sharon Pace.
All of the members of the current board of directors (“Boardâ€) of DRHOA were in attendance: Sharon Pace, Carrie Hayden, Tomas Stone, Tim DePuy and Sarah Jones. Stephanie McDonald and Alice Tesar of the Commercial Property Group (“CPGâ€) were present. A sign in sheet for all lot owners in attendance and copies of proxies are included with these minutes for the record.
Stephanie McDonald of CPG stated that a quorum was present by members present and by proxy. A total of 52 out of 74 lots were represented.
The first item on the agenda was approval of the 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes. John Hayden made a motion to approve the minutes as presented with Steve Hofman seconding the motion. A vote was taken with all voting for approval and none opposed. Motion carried.
Stephanie announced the results of the Board Member Election. Sarah Jones received 32 votes, Jim Lob received 34 votes and Paul Orzech received 32 votes. All three individuals received a majority of the votes cast and each is elected for a two-year Board term.
Budget Presentation was the next agenda item. Tomas Stone presented the 2016/17 financial results along with the Board approved 2017/18 Budget. As of mid-March, it is estimated that the current year will compare favorably with the operating budget. Line items significantly under budget include snow removal and water repairs.
Regarding the 2017/18 Budget, it was noted that the dues will remain the same and that the individual categories are generally consistent with the previous year actual amounts with the exception that the budgeted amount for water system repair has been substantially reduced and that reduction reallocated to newly budgeted items of wildfire mitigation and the costs of preparing a capital improvements plan. The Budget was put before the Members for ratification. A motion was made by Robert Shortle and seconded by Jim Lob to ratify the 2017/18 Budget as presented. A vote was taken with all voting in approval by saying aye and none opposed. Motion carried.
Tim DePuy presented the Water Report (attached) and noted that for the first time ever there have been no water line breaks in a twelve-month period and that most homeowners were using water responsibly.
Carrie Hayden presented the Road Report (attached). The report encompasses the routine maintenance completed in the previous year along with the planned work to be completed in 2017/18. Cattails in ditches should be reported to CPG as a sign of water accumulation. Carrie also reminded Members of the 15’ perimeter water utility and service easement on each Member’ lot and that landscaping within this easement is subject to removal without reimbursement should the Association or its agents need to access the utilities buried there.
Several board members noted that the Board is in the process of receiving assessments by Civil Design Consultants (“CDCâ€) and Northwest Colorado Consultants (“NWCCâ€) regarding capital projects and ongoing maintenance expected during the next ten years for the Association’s water system and roadways. Once both of the CDC and NWCC reports are complete, a committee of Members and Board members will present a Capital Improvements Plan (“CIPâ€) to the Board recommending which projects should be undertaken and the timing of each. Once the CIP report is complete the Board intends to develop a funding plan for these anticipated costs with the assistance of a committee of board members and homeowners (currently comprised of Tomas Stone, Steve Hofman, Martyn Redgrave, Paul Orzeck and Sam Jones). It was suggested by Mindy Williams that both the CIP and the funding plan be circulated to all homeowners and an informal Members meeting held so that all Association members could review them and provide feedback before implementation.
Sarah Jones presented the ARC Report (attached). A reminder to the Association members as to the process and standards of the ARC review process; these standards can be generally described as requiring a review by the ARC Committee, prior to the commencement of construction, of any change to the exterior of a home or addition to it. Sarah suggested that if any Member has a question about whether a planned change requires ARC review, they should contact Medora or an ARC Committee member. Wildfire mitigation information was also distributed.
Under Other Member Issues, Berry Lob inquired about green residue on their faucets and ice machine as well as varying water pressure. Tim clarified that green residue is a sign of copper in water, noting that the Association’s water is tested regularly and remains of excellent quality. Tim suggested Berry have Tim Gibbons or expert look into water pressure.
There being no further business before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Tesar
Recording Secretary