Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting of Members
at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
March 10, 2015

The annual meeting of the members of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (“DRHOA” or “Association”) was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Association President Tom Valicenti.

Members of the current board of directors (“Board”) of DRHOA were in attendance: Tom Valicenti, Jim Simon, Sharon Pace, Carrie Hayden and Tomas Stone. Medora Fralick, administrator for DRHOA and Stephanie McDonald of the Commercial Property Group (“CPG”) were present. A sign in sheet for all lot owners in attendance and copies of proxies are included with these minutes for the record.

Medora Fralick of CPG stated that a quorum was present by members present and by proxy. A total of 43 out of 74 lots were represented.

The results of the Board Member Vote was given. Medora stated that 52 ballots had been received. Carrie Hayden, Sarah Jones and Tim DePuy have been elected for two year terms to the DRHOA Board.

The next item on the agenda was approval of the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes.

Jim Simon made a motion to approve the minutes as presented with Sharon Pace seconding the motion. A vote was taken with all voting for approval and none opposed. Motion passed.

Budget Presentation and Vote was the next agenda item. Tomas Stone presented the 2015 Board approved Budget. It is before the association for ratification. He noted that the dues will stay the same. This budget tracks the same as last year’s budget. The Treasurer’s Report is included with the minutes for the record. Fiscal year to date the association is under budget.

A motion was made by Joe Caddell and seconded by Marci Valicenti to approve the 2015 Budget as presented. A vote was taken with all voting in approval by saying aye and none opposed. Motion approved.

Under Water Line Replacement discussion ensued. The board stated that the newly elected board will continue the process on the project, including reviewing the design requirements, contractor bids and coordinating the Member vote on a special assessment which will be necessary if the project is to be completed all at once. The project is expected to take approximately three months the hope is to start this summer. The new board will finalize the project.

Under Other Business there was discussion of the possibility of a natural gas line for the neighborhood. The board agreed to look into the matter.

The installation of a mail cluster box was suggested. The board stated that this had been looked into before. Medora gave information of cost and requirements from previous attempts to install a cluster box.

Private home water treatment systems were discussed.

There being no further business before the meeting, Tomas Stone made a motion to adjourn with Jim Simon seconding the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Stephanie McDonald
Recording Secretary
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