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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2006
A meeting of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on May 18, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Board Members: Diane Pietig
Will Bashan
David Zedeck
Tim Depuy
Jim Nichols (by phone)
Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
The meeting of the Board of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
Financial statements are included for the record. Treasurer, Jim Nichols deferred to Medora Fralick for overview of the Financials presented. A few line items were over budget, but more income was received than budgeted for. Nancy Kounovsky (CPG) and Jim will coordinate on presentation of financial information, retaining the monthly and year to date history and the comparison of last year to date. Discussion ensued concerning the investment account. Medora gathered quotes from investment banks and brokerages. There was discussion whether to invest in short term CD’s or money market funds. This decision is tabled for the present. It was suggested to move all banking accounts into one location for convenience. Wells Fargo Bank was suggested because of their investment division which is in house.
A motion was made by David Zedeck to change the checking account from Vectra Bank to Wells Fargo Bank of Steamboat Springs for all banking/investment accounts to keep all accounts in one place, making a decision on the investment account details at a later date. This motion was seconded by Tim Depuy. The motion was approved.
Proposed Water Rate Structure – Tim Depuy
Tim presented a water rate structure which is included with these minutes for the record. Tim suggested that the water charges be calibrated to cover the operational cost of the water system. He also suggested using a combination of education, water scheduling and new rate structure to bring lot owners into a more conservative habit of water usage. Will and Tim will coordinate to develop a final rate structure and recommended water structure to be approved by the board and implemented by June 1st, 2006. Tim will also be putting together a water letter to be made available to lot owners in the very near future.
Water Rights – Lot 74 – Will Bashan
Will presented an affidavit required by the Colorado Department of Water Resources to be signed for use of the well on Lot 74. Any well owners within 600 feet must give permission to use this well. If they do not sign the affidavit the Association must appear at a hearing before the Water Resources board. Will signed the affidavit and the owners will be contacted for their signatures.
Leak Detection
Medora presented the proposal prepared by Civil Design Consultants for the Leak Detection Survey. America Leak Detection and Utility Technical Services, Inc. presented bids for the survey. Discussion ensued as to cost and completion time.
David made a motion to hire Utility Technical Services, Inc. to complete the leak detection survey and it was seconded by Will. The motion was approved.
ARC Update
On May 3rd, Diane took Medora Fralick and Stephanie McDonald on a tour through Dakota Ridge to familiarize them with ongoing construction projects.
Lot 58 – Rasa – The lighting on the bridge does not comply with the covenants. The owners offered a counter proposal to the ARC committee which was denied. The committee asked that the lights be removed and that one downcast light at the end of the drive would be permitted. There is also additional concern of the bridge being on an easement that provides access to Lots 56 and 57. The Association’s attorney is researching the use of the easement and building on the easement at this time.
Lot 39 – Langevin – Plans have been approved.
Lot 3 – Peterson – Committee has requested lighting and landscaping plan for “power plant” by Ramsey home.
Lot 21 – Valicenti – Remodel continues
Lot 5 – New construction is ongoing, Medora will contact owners regarding
cleaning of road and trash.
Lot 10 – Williams/Fabbi – Ongoing remodel
Lot 47 - Zedeck – Plans approved
Lot 17 – Hoffman – Hope to begin construction midsummer. Building envelope change information will be submitted to CPG soon.
The next ARC meeting is May 22, 2006.
Tim reported that the Zopf lot has a dead aspen laying in an easement. Covenants will be researched as to how to go about having the tree removed and who is responsible.
A letter will be sent to the Williams of Lot 26 regarding the dead trees on their property recommending that the trees be removed.
Three Dakota Ridge lot owners have offered to pave the unpaved portion of Aspen Ridge Road at their expense. A draft agreement was presented by said owners. The Board will respond to the owners with a letter requiring that the DRHOA supervise the road construction and that the owners prepay for the estimated cost.
Weed spraying of the common areas of Dakota Ridge is done by Higo Weed Busters of Walden, Colorado. This company is also available for individual lot weed control.
The next meeting is June 8, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting