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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday May 7, 2015
IN Attendance: Sharon Pace, Tim DePuy and Carrie Hayden
On the phone: Sarah Jones and Tomas Stone
Guests in Attendance: Medora Fralick, Nancy Kounovsky and Nancy Jarchow
The meeting was called to order by President Sharon Pace at 12:05 pm.
Tomas reviewed the financials for the year ended March 2015 and as a result of the year end results, recommended a transfer of $56,627.96 into the reserve account. This amount represents the final net excess of income over expense for the fiscal year ended 3/31/15.
Tim DePuy made a motion to move $56,627,96 into the reserve. Sharon Pace seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Sarah discussed Clean Up Day. Sarah is coordinating sections and the bags will be dropped off and picked up by CDOT.
There were no reports for roads or ARC.
Tim began the conversation regarding the waterline replacement. Jeff Lake and Mary Andre of Civil Design Consultants reviewed the bids with the Board. They reiterated that they, along with Tim Gibbons (water system operator) are recommending to forego replacing the pipe from the water treatment plant to lot 67 as there has never been a break in that line and the recommended option is to instead add a chlorine contact basin adjacent to the pumphouse to ensure water quality meets standards. Discussion was held related to the survey needs and the design options for the chlorine basin.
Tim moved to authorize up to $10,000 to conduct a survey of the current water treatment plant and pump house in relation to the easement and to identify options for the new chlorine basin. Sharon seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Sharon moved to replace all identified pipe in 2015 excluding the pipe from the water treatment plant to Lot 67. The chlorine basin will be completed in 2016. The project will be approved in 2015 with the assessment in 2015. Tim seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
The timeline the Board would like to see is the survey to be complete by the end of May. The Board will select the contractor and define the scope of the project by the end of May. Ballots will go out to the owners no later than June 1st.
The next meeting will be Tuesday May 19th at 8:05 am.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:35pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Kounovsky