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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting of Members
at The Hampton Inn, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
April 3, 2013
The annual meeting of the members of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (“DRHOA” or “Association”) was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Association President Mindy Williams.
Four members of the board of directors (“Board”) of DRHOA were in attendance: Kathe McCoy, Mindy Williams, Michael Williams and H.C. Pace. Medora Fralick, administrator for DRHOA and Stephanie McDonald of the Commercial Property Group (“CPG”) were present. Mary Andre of Civil Design Consultants was a guest. A sign in sheet for all lot owners in attendance is included with these minutes for the record.
Medora Fralick of CPG gave the tally of those members in attendance and the proxies in hand. Five lots were represented in person and 33 proxies were in hand. A total of 38 out of 74 lots were represented. A total of 51% representation is required by the association covenants to establish a quorum. A quorum was established.
The results of the Board Member Vote were given. Three seats were up for election. Carrie Hayden, Jim Simon and Tom Valicenti were the candidates. All votes were verified by the staff of CPG. Each will serve a two year term.
The next item of business was the President’s Report and Board Member Reports. These reports will be posted on the website and recorded with these minutes.
Highlights from the Road report were given by Michael Williams noting maintenance that had been done during the year and road repair completed after water system repairs.
H.C. Pace gave the Water report. He stated that it had been an active year due to water line breaks, water line replacement and water system testing. He noted that the water rate schedule has been effective regarding water conservation and that the data from each quarter for water pumped vs. water billed has been helpful in calculating water loss more accurately. Michael said that the total for water loss for the year was around 20% or less. Medora stated that some of the loss is due to unmetered water or leaks. Some leaks were found and that the meter recertification is helpful. H.C. noted that the water meter recertification program is ongoing.
Mindy said that water system testing has been done voluntarily up until now. If any upgrades to the existing water system are required by the State of Colorado, the association must have the state’s requirements in hand before any budgeting is done. The test results and mandates would be used in the budgeting process. Medora called a point of order.
Medora gave an overview of the Financial Report for Carrie Hayden. The Capital Reserve is built back up after the water pipe replacement. Excess from the water fees is now in an account earmarked for water system needs. A higher amount will be transferred into the capital reserve due to reallocation of the dues/capital reserve collected. There will be no increase in annual dues.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of the prior Annual Meeting minutes. There being no changes or further discussion. A vote was taken to approve the 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes with all in favor signifying by saying aye and those opposed by saying nay. All voted in favor with the motion passing unanimously.
The Board has already approved the 2013 Budget and it is now before the association for ratification or denial. The dues are the same, but will be reallocated. The floor was opened for questions and discussion. Susie Makens asked what the goal of the capital reserve amount was and what the minimum or maximum amount for the account is acceptable. The Board agreed that they would like to see a minimum of $250 thousand and up to $750 thousand in the reserve. The goal is to not have to implement a special assessment unless it is unavoidable. Sharon Pace made a motion to approve the 2013 Budget as presented and John Williams seconded the motion. All voted in favor with none opposed. The motion passed.
Guest, Mary Andre from Civil Design Consultants was given the floor to explain the water system and State testing of the water system. She explained that the State of Colorado is tightening health regulations on public water systems which the system for Dakota Ridge is. Some voluntary initial testing has been done and there is a slight potential for the influence of surface water on the water supply. The State has ordered testing on the system which will be done from April of this year until October. Some proactive measures have been taken to help pass tests, including use of divers to vacuum the base of the collection tank and additional chlorination. She added that the other water systems in town are also under mandatory testing. She noted that the testing will be done at different places within the water supply and on more than one date. If upgrades are needed there will be a timeline dictated by the state for compliance. Enforcement of the upgrades is court ordered and fines are involved for non-compliance. Medora stated that grants and other funding are available. The whole association would be under notification from the state regarding deadlines if an upgrade is required. A question was asked if there has been a rise in water supply contamination. Mary stated that there has been a grey area in regulation and that the state is requiring better testing. No action can be taken at this time until the testing is complete. The board will be kept up to date on all testing results.
There being no further business before the meeting, it was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Stephanie McDonald
Recording Secretary