Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2014

A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association (“Association”) was held on April 3, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: Sharon Pace
Jim Simon
Tomas Stone
Tom Valicenti
Carrie Hayden (by phone)

Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
Ed MacArthur
Tim Gibbons

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.

The first item on the agenda was Water Line Replacement. Ed MacArthur from Native Excavating and Tim Gibbons, the DRHOA water system operator, were in attendance to present information and answer questions relating to the Association’s water lines. Ed stated that the remaining known line problems are in the northern half of the subdivision. Two thousand feet of line has been replaced. Ed presented three proposals. The first would replace the remaining 9,200 feet of four inch and 2,675 feet of 6 inch ductile iron pipe, placing most of the new pipe on the side of the road and not cutting through the existing road. The cost would be $827,000 including a $100,000 contingency. The second proposal would replace a double line that has been problematic in the past starting where the line replacement ended last year to the fire hydrant at Lot 52, replacing 3,400 feet of four inch pipe and 2,675 feet of six inch pipe at a cost of $464,000, including a $50,000 contingency. This area is on Aspen Ridge Road and Trail Ridge Road involving lot 52 and lot 55 along with the easement for lot 62. The third proposal would replace 1,200 feet of pipe in the worst problem area tying into the last replacement completed; coming across the lot 62 easement and crossing the road. This part can be connected with the rest of the line replacement at another time. There was discussion of what money was available in the capital reserve account including what would be collected this year. Ed stated that a partial line replacement would be more costly per foot and that there would be approximately a 20% saving if the entire project were done at one time due to moving equipment in and out of the neighborhood. He estimated that the first proposal would take about two and half months, the second proposal about five weeks and the third proposal about two weeks. The work should be completed ideally by October 1st. Tim Gibbons added that he would like to see the worst area addressed this year if possible. The Board thanked Ed and Tim for their input and they both left the meeting at this time. Carrie also left the meeting.

The next agenda item was Officer Election. The following motions were made:

Jim Simon made a motion to nominate Tom Valicenti as President and it was seconded by Sharon Pace. All voted in favor with none opposed, motion approved.

Sharon made a motion to nominate Tom Valicenti to be head of the Water committee and it was seconded by Jim. All voted in favor with none opposed. The motion carried.

Sharon made a motion to nominate Jim Simon as head of the Road committee and it was seconded by Tom. All voted in favor and none opposed. The motion was approved.

Jim made a motion to nominate Tomas Stone as Treasurer and it was seconded by Tom. All voted in favor with none opposed. Motion carried.
Tom made a motion to nominate Sharon Pace as Secretary and it was seconded by Jim. All voted in favor with none opposed. Motion carried.

Sharon made a motion to nominate Carrie Hayden as Vice President and it was seconded by Tom. All voted in favor with none opposed. Motion carried.

There was discussion of the members of the ARC. Medora stated that the current members are Mindy Williams, David Zedeck and Tom Valicenti. Tom made a motion to nominate the current members for another year and it was seconded by Jim. All voted in favor with none opposed. Motion carried.

The next item on the agenda was the Financials. Medora stated that there is nothing new since the annual meeting. The expense for snow removal is an estimate since the invoice has not been received yet for March. The operating budget surplus is just under $26,000 for the year. The Board discussed how much they would approve to be put into the capital reserve account from the operating account.

Tom made a motion to transfer $20,000 from the operating account to the capital reserve account and it was seconded by Sharon. All voted in favor with none opposed. Motion carried.

Medora asked if there were any other questions on the financials. Tomas asked for a review of the receivables and the status of any accounts in arrears.

Under Board Responsibilities, Medora stated that in an effort to reduce association expenses, the board had requested for the administrative expense to be kept at a maximum of $1,000 per month. Medora presented a list of duties currently taken care of the association management company that could be done by the board members to keep expenses down. Road sign maintenance and road clean up will be supervised by Sharon and Jim. Entrance landscaping will be taken care of by Tom. Association party planning will also be handed over to the board. Medora will continue to review responsibilities that could be handled by the board in the future.

Jim suggested that the board meet every two months and that this should be an agenda item at the next meeting. It was also suggested to have the financials reviewed every two months or quarterly.

The Board discussed the Association annual dues and assessments. Jim made a motion to increase the annual dues by $300 for the year with the total of the increase being added to the water reserve account. It was seconded by Tom. All voted in favor with none opposed. The motion was passed unanimously.

Tom suggested sending out a letter to all members advising them of the water line replacement situation and cost. Jim expressed that good communication with Association members is important. Tom will draft a letter and share it with each board member for input and this letter will include information about the water test results.

Discussion continued on the third proposal from Native Excavating for the water line replacement. The board asked that Ed be contacted to start the process for implementing the third proposal.

Tomas made a motion to adopt the Association homeowners’ annual meeting minutes as amended and it was seconded by Tom. All voted aye with none opposed. Motion passed.

Medora passed out a draft of solar language for the ARC guidelines to be reviewed by the board and are included with these minutes. She also reported that by state law an owner cannot be unduly restricted from using energy alternatives.

Jim noted that most of the member objectives submitted before the annual meeting were concerned with water issues. Weed control was also a concern. Weed control information will be sent out to all members in a future mailing.

Jim asked if any changes to landscaping had to be submitted along with a fee as outlined in the guidelines. Medora said yes, changes must be submitted to ARC and a request to waive the fee could also be submitted.

Under Roads, the crack filling and ongoing maintenance is taken care of under the operating budget. Medora said that an overview of the road is done every year. The last review reported that the road was in good shape for another 12 years.

The next board meeting is June 12th at 8:30 a.m.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting
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