Monday December 9th, 2024

Association Administrator
Commercial Property Group
1856 Lincoln Ave
Steamboat Springs, 80487

Phone: 1.970.879.1402
Fax: 1.970.879.7777



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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2006

A meeting of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on March 8, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Board Members: Diane Pietig
Tricia Langevin
David Zedeck
Jim Nichols (by phone)

Guests: David Harlan from the Steamboat Pilot
Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald

The meeting of the Board of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was called to order at 1:00 p.m.

The first order of business was the presentation from David Harlan of the Steamboat Pilot on a possible website for the Association in order to be in compliance with Colorado State Law under Senate Bill 100. The Legislature is encouraging all Homeowner’s Associations to post all governing documents, rules & regulations, annual and board meeting minutes along with polices and procedures specific to this law on a website. David presented information on cost and operation of this website which is attached to these minutes of record on file in the office of The Commercial Property Group, LLC. The website would be up and running by the Annual Meeting on April 6th.

Tricia Langevin made a motion to approve a website to be done for the Dakota Ridge Homeowner’s Association using Package #2 at the cost of $1,400. The motion was seconded by David Zedeck. There being no further discussion the motion was voted on and unanimously approved.

Medora Fralick has been in contact with Doug Bradfield of CDC on the water study. The mapping has been done, along with the tracking of breaks and water usage for the study. The study is expected to be completed in two weeks. The Board will meet with Doug before the Annual meeting to discuss the results. Doug will be at the Annual Meeting to give a presentation on the water study.

Meeting Minutes

David made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 7, 2006 meeting and it was seconded by Dian Pietig. The motion was approved.


Diane Pietig gave an ARC update. No plans have been received on the Hoffman Lot 17. Fees and plans have been submitted for the Langevin Lot 39 and are under review of an architect with the office of Eric Smith.

Medora presented a proposal for a possible fee structure which is attached to theses minutes of record on file in the office of The Commercial Property Group, LLC. She explained that the Road Damage Fee would be non-refundable and be used for future repair and maintenance of the roads. The Construction Management Fee would be used for all costs incurred during the project construction. Due to two members of the Board being directly impacted by the Demolition Fee, Tricia and David abstained from making a motion on the fee structure or voting on any such motion.

Jim Nichols made a motion to accept the proposed $5,500 fee structure which would also include the demolition fee as being the same and not a separate fee as the construction fee, along with any projects in process to be corrected to this fee structure. The motion was seconded by Diane. Tricia and David abstained with the other members voting in favor of the motion. Will Bashan voted by email on this motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The next order of business was a road update. There is no new information at this time.


A Budget review was given which is attached to these minutes. Medora pointed out that a $10,000 water system repair bill from December 2005 was received in March. Medora also noted that the Investment Accounts are such that the principle may be at risk. The Board directed her to due further research on this matter and report back to them.


The next meeting will be determined once the Water Study is completed. Medora will be in contact with the Board to set up that meeting.

The Annual Meeting is April 6, 2006 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Hampton Inn Conference Room in Steamboat Springs.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting
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