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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2013
A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on September 10, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Board Members: Mindy Williams
Jim Simon
Tom Valicenti
Kathe McCoy
Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.
The first item on the agenda was the Road Report. Jim stated that the weeds along the roads had been mowed and suggested that it be done earlier in the year next year. Medora reported that crack filling on the roads is scheduled for the weekend and there should be no impact on traffic flow. Mindy said that the repainting of the road signs is still in progress.
Medora updated the North entrance lighting problem. The breaker is tripping during lightning storms and then must be reset each time this occurs. The problem is still being researched; however the lighting is functional at this time.
Under the Water Report, Tom reported no problems since the last meeting. Medora reported that the water tests results from the second of three state-mandated tests to the state are very good. If the third test result is good the water system will be off the state’s radar from three to five years. The third test will be done in early October. Once the third test results are turned in to the state, CDCC will receive a state report and will report back to the board. Medora noted that the MPA test is done once a year no matter what for preventative maintenance. The pump house road resurfacing was paid for through the Capital Reserve account.
Under the ARC Report, Medora reported that she contacted three different local specialists that do solar panel/geothermal work. Medora also gathered information from other HOA documents that speak to this subject. This verbiage was ambiguous and not very helpful. She offered to draft some verbiage to address this issue and/ or talk to the specialists she has been in touch with. Mindy suggested asking some specific questions of the specialists, including previous experience with installations, view concerns, system problems and efficiency. Jim suggested that the information gathered include how the systems benefit owners, aesthetically appeal and what the energy costs are. Tom suggested that the ARC meet with the specialists for advice and put together the verbiage to address the use of these energy sources in the association.
Medora has received a complaint regarding Lot 57 which is a vacant lot. Last year the owners cleared dead tress for fire mitigation. This year more trees have been removed and seed mats for re-vegetation have been put down. A fire pit has been installed that is outside of the building envelope and was done without ARC approval. She asked the Board for direction. The Board has the ability to fine under the HOA Covenants. Discussion ensued which included the use of fines and the need of ARC approval for any future work. The Board appreciates the positive effect of the tree removal on the lot.
Jim made a motion to send notice to the owner of Lot 57 to remove the fire pit by 30 days of date of the forthcoming certified letter which will site that said fire pit was not approved by ARC, is not within the building envelope, and as sited in the HOA governing documents the Board reserves the right to impose fines. The road used for this work on the lot will be required to be mitigated. The motion was seconded by Kathe. A vote was taken with all in approval and none opposed. The motion was passed unanimously.
Under Other Business, Medora reported that she has spoken with the local U.S. Postmaster concerning the inquiry of a mail cluster box. The Postmaster said that he would be glad to work with the association. He said that all lots must be provided a slot. Each box has 16 slots per box which would mean that five boxes would be needed. Each box would be approximately $1,500 plus concrete and must be USPS approved. The Board agreed that a survey be sent out with the Annual Meeting packet for interest in this project including all information gathered. Medora will meet with the Postmaster to go out and investigate the project further including the possibility of boxes at the North and South entrance, not just one place.
Also under Other Business, Medora passed out the legal language put together by the Association’s attorney concerning the Chicken Language amendment. A question was asked as to how violations of this covenant would be handled. Medora stated that this would be covered in the existing covenants. The Board agreed that the City of Steamboat Springs regulations regarding the allowance of chickens be added to the proposed amendment. Once finalized this amendment ballot will be sent out to the membership including a cover letter from the Board and a letter from the member that has asked for this vote. Medora will clarify if the there is a need to also include a ballot for approval of requiring any votes put forth by a HOA member be done at the cost of said member and not at the expense of the Association or if is this is something the Board can include in the Bylaws. In conclusion, the October water billings will also include the Chicken Ballot, cover letter, member letter in support of ballot and vote on cost of member requested votes (if necessary).
The next item on the agenda was propane information. Medora handed out a letter with three propane provider options for Board review. Final updates and clarifications will be added before the letter is mailed out to the association. This letter will also include requests for interest in Holiday Party hosting and Board seat elections for the Annual Meeting.
Jim asked about radon mitigation. Tom stated that two different systems are used. Testing for radon can be done by local home inspectors.
The last item, Board Objectives, will be addressed at the Annual Meeting.
The next meeting is Thursday, October 10, 2013.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting