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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2013
A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on August 8, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Board Members: Mindy Williams
Jim Simon
Tom Valicenti
Kathe McCoy (by phone)
Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.
There was no new activity under Roads or the ARC. The scoria has been cleaned up. There was a suggestion for additional mowing for the roadside. The road signs will also be touched up.
Under Water, a pump has been replaced and additional spare parts have been acquired as recommended.
Under the ARC report, there was a complaint concerning landscaping on the Redgrave project. Medora stated that they are not in violation of the covenants and their plans are in compliance. Mindy reported that the solar panels on the Jones house have a matte finish and are on the roof line. They are solar thermal for the water heater and floor. They are used to reduce propane use. They did not go through ARC for approval. The Board discussed the need to have solar “experts” come to a meeting to provide information on solar panels. Medora stated that she could put together language for the ARC guidelines for solar/geothermal panels from other associations to be presented before the ARC for approval and then the Board for final approval. Tom Valicenti volunteered to serve on the ARC. The Board was in agreement for Tom to serve on ARC.
The next item on the agenda was the Financials. Medora gave a review, reporting that the association is under budget on water revenue due to reduction in water usage. She noted that overall Dakota Ridge HOA is on target for the budget and reserves continue to build. Past dues accounts were discussed and are still in progress for payment.
Under Other Business, Medora reported that she is still waiting for information from two propane companies. A letter with the propane information will be sent out in October or as soon as information is complete.
There was a request for the possibility of cluster mailboxes in the neighborhood. The postmaster is in agreement to deliver at Dakota Ridge. There was discussion of a safe location, aesthetics, maintenance and cost. Medora will gather the specifics requested and report back to the board.
The draft to allow chickens in the neighborhood as a change to the covenants was reviewed. The Board agreed to incorporate the City of Steamboat Springs requirements in the language. A letter will accompany the ballot to approve or not approve the change with information including pros and cons and contact information for equal representation. Medora asked how the association should deal with the cost of putting this out for a vote. This is not covered in the covenants. The Board agreed not to pass this cost along to the individuals requesting this current change, but cost of mailing and initial legal costs will be passed on in the future.
Jim asked if the Board objectives could be set annually. Medora suggested that this could be presented at the annual meeting.
It was suggested that the ballot for allowance of chickens include information of the ballot cost to the association also. This mailing should also include information regarding vacant board terms coming up for the next annual meeting.
Water meter recertification was discussed. Letters are sent out certified because fines are involved and receipt of the letter needs to be verified. A schedule of meter recertification will be sent out to all owners so they can anticipate when their own recertification will be due.
The next meeting is Thursday, September 12, 2013.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting