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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2013
A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on June 13, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Board Members: Mindy Williams
Jim Simon
Tom Valicenti
By Phone: Kathe McCoy
Guests: Medora Fralick
Angie Hansen
Nancy Jarchow
H. Pace (by telephone)
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.
H. Pace was asked to phone in to the meeting to bring the new Board up to speed on water issues for the calendar year of 2012. He explained that there are four water quality tests performed from April through October. The April 2013 results were recently received and the results were favorable and there were no questionable categories. He also spoke about the project that took place last fall around the “S Curve” at the bottom of the ridge, where there have been several water breaks in a specific area of about 500 feet. Iron pipe had initially been installed in 1982 or 1983 in that area and evidence of corrosion was found on the inside and outside of the pipe. Last year’s Board elected to change out that 500’ of pipe and replace with PVC pipe at a cost of roughly $47,000. The pipe was installed to the side of the road, rather than underneath, in the event that a repair is needed the road won’t need to be dug up in the process. Tom Valicenti will meet with H. to obtain his committee files regarding water issues. Jim Simon asked H. what his recommended objectives for the year would be, as far as water is concerned, and he listed:
1.) Anticipate expenditures each year; especially during the summer season as the soil is active and possibly affects the pipes causing breaks. Conservation issues during the summer season should be addressed, as well.
2.) Ensure income funding for Capital Reserve accounts each year.
Tom inquired as to where the water testing takes place and when the next test would occur. H. explained that water samples are tested at the pump house, at the tank and within the line. Testing occurs in April, July, August/September and October, so the next test will occur in early July. Jim Simon asked for a list of proactive steps taken as far as water quality tests, and Medora and H. explained that Tim Gibbons performed several steps, including: resealed everything in the pump house, cleaned and re-sanitized the tank, and chlorine shocked the well. Jim Simon asked if surface wells were allowed in the subdivision, and the Board was unsure. Medora will check into whether they are legal or not.
Under the Road Report, Mindy mentioned that the speed limit signs need cleaned and repainted. Jim and Tom offered to drive the subdivision roads and make a list of the signs in need of maintenance. The Board agreed to hire neighborhood teenagers to perform this work. Medora shared that weeds were sprayed at the common areas.
Under ARC business, Mindy explained that the McCoys put on a new roof and the tiles were approved by Medora. Also, the new owners of the Turner residence have asked to extend their retaining wall further to the west. The Marbachs are inquiring about solar panels, but DRHOA Guidelines restrict reflective surfaces. Medora instructed the Marbachs to present a formal submission for the ARC to review.
Medora gave the Financial Report for Carrie, and she explained that the association is tracking ahead of budget overall. Nancy Kounovsky with The Commercial Property Group is working on opening a CD with the excess cash. Medora shared that Douglas Heske contacted her in May asking that an invoice for half of total balance be sent to him. Further, he anticipates having the full balance taken care of relatively soon. Medora also reported that the Orzech family recently submitted receipts in the amount of $737 to be reimbursed for expenses from the December Holiday Party.
In Other Business, Medora received a letter from a child who lives in the subdivision requesting that he be allowed to raise chickens at his residence. This individual also inquired about this possibility last year, and a response of “no,” was given by the Board at that time. The Board discussed concerns that allowing this could open up additional wildlife issues. Mindy offered to respond to Cooper. Tom Valicenti asked Medora to consult the Board’s attorney, Paul Sachs, to inquire as to whether issues similar to this should be added to the ballot for the entire neighborhood to vote on.
Additionally under Other Business, Nancy Jarchow asked if the updated covenants are available on-line. Mindy responded that the originals are posted but she is currently working on a summary of the updated amendments.
Tom Valicenti informed the Board that Schrader Propane is now open to filling tanks that do not belong to them. He feels that the Board should draft a letter to homeowners to inform them that if a propane company can’t provide a lease for their tanks, another company can fill them. Medora asked Tom to get something in writing from Schrader, and Medora will obtain information from Ferrelgas so we can send a summary of propane information to homeowners.
A discussion concerning Board Goals and Objectives ensued:
Jim Simon requested an orientation meeting for Board transition of committee chairs. Jim also asked for clarity of The Commercial Property Group’s responsibilities versus the Board’s responsibilities.
Tom Valicenti questioned the landscape schedules. Medora explained that Kinnikinnick Landscaping had recently spent some time at the two entrances. Tom is not satisfied with their work, so he offered to better clean up the landscaping, himself.
Mindy Williams believes it would be a good idea to hold more informal neighborhood gatherings to foster a neighborhood feel.
Medora shared that The Commercial Property Group would be mailing the 2012 Water Report to homeowners, and it was decided that Medora would also draft a memo to homeowners addressing 4 issues: water report, dead tree removal reminder, Stage 2 Water Restrictions and a summer neighborhood gathering to be hosted by John & Mindy Williams.
The next meeting is Thursday, July 11, 2013.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angie Hansen
Secretary for the meeting