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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2013
A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on March 14, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Board Members: Kathe McCoy
Mindy Williams
Michael Williams
Guests: Mary Andre – Civil Design Consultants
Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
Nancy Jarchow
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.
Under the Water Report, Mary Andre of Civil Design Consultants was present to discuss the MPA testing results and what its results mean to the Association. She stated that the state is requiring testing under their supervision. Mary explained what types of bacteria are tested for and how they can penetrate filtration systems. If the water supply is found to be under the influence of surface water there will be stricter requirements. Since the Dakota Ridge water system is considered a public water system it is under state law. Tim Gibbons, who oversees the water system, will do some housekeeping of the water system before more testing is done. If future tests fail, there will need to be improvements done to the system. If the state requires upgrading of the system, there would be a time limit for completion of improvements. The state will give the water system a classification once more tests are submitted. The board asked Mary to attend the Annual Meeting to help explain the water system testing and possible state mandated requirements.
The Road report was given by Michael Williams. Snow banks have been trimmed back. Medora will ask the county to help out with shaving the snow banks back on the county road.
Under ARC, Mindy Williams said there was one landscaping request turned in to the ARC.
The Financial Report was given by Medora. She stated that the capital reserve account will grow due to a higher level of contribution next year and that a new line item, water reserve also appears on the Balance Sheet. A payment plan has been received regarding an accounts receivable issue.
Under Other Business, all board members will need to provide an officer report for the Annual Meeting prior to March 25th. Proxies will be emailed to those who have not yet returned them to the Commercial Property Group. Those owners who have not returned proxies by March 28th will be contacted by a board member.
The next meeting is Thursday, April 11, 2013
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting