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Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2013
A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association was held on February 7, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of The Commercial Property Group, LLC at 3001 S. Lincoln, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Board Members: Kathe McCoy
Mindy Williams
Michael Williams
Carrie Hayden
Guests: Medora Fralick
Stephanie McDonald
Nancy Jarchow
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m.
The Road report was given by Michael Williams. One of the stop signs had been knocked down by plowing.
Under ARC, Mindy Williams said that there nothing new to report.
The Financial Report was given by Carrie Hayden. Collection for the Heske lot was discussed. Medora stated that she has been working with the Association’s attorney and Mr. Heske. The water usage bill has been paid. The past association dues are still outstanding at this time. There are no other collection issues. Medora noted that the association is running ahead of the Budget so far and is in good shape. Carrie had a question on the road pavement loan and its reflection in A/R.
Carrie made a motion to approve the Financials and it was seconded by Mindy. A vote was taken with all voting in favor and none opposed. The motion was approved.
Under the Water Report, there was discussion regarding the water report given to each board member at the last meeting. The report does show that the water supply is affected by surface water. Medora said that the water quality exceed state standards. Medora suggested having Doug Bradfield from Civil Design Consultants meet with the Board at the March meeting to discuss the report and give recommendations. The state requirements have not changed yet. She also said that grant money is available and that information should be gathered about other options to address the situation if need be. She also suggested contacting the water attorney for information. Carrie added that the property value may be affected by the situation. The Board agreed to address this issue further at the next meeting.
Under Other Business, Michael said that he is billed for two separate meters. He asked if this could be looked into further.
The next item of discussion was the 2013 Annual Meeting. The Board reviewed the Annual Meeting Packet to be sent out the beginning of the next week. The 2013 budget has been approved previously and will go before the membership for ratification or denial. Discussion of officer reports as done in previous annual meetings was discussed.
Fire mitigation/tree removal with the Tree Haus subdivision was revisited. Medora reported that she made a phone call stating that Dakota Ridge HOA would not get involved.
The next meeting is Thursday, March 14, 2013
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie McDonald
Secretary for the meeting